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acetic acid 0.6% |
Improved Solubility for Reconstitution over Bacteriostatic Water.
should be use only with IGF1 and IGF1-LR3 due to PH acidity, ( Peptides are pH sensitive- using Acetic Acid would destroy the peptide, with the exception of IGF1 and IGF1-Lr3 which needs a more acidic pH to remain stable). Why use Acetic acid for IGF1 and IGF1 LR3 only : 1 : Acetic acid will break down any fragments stuck in glass or smaller than you can see, by mixing the lyophilized IGF-1 with acetic acid, the IGF-1 molecules are efficiently detached from the glass and solubilized in the mixture. (gently rotate the bottle and allow the solution to get all fragments then add bacteriostatic water to prevent less irritation for injection ) . 2 : because it s can extend the shelf life, useful when have to inject small dose and want keep the mix up to 30 days (With bac water you have about 28 days shelf life if refrigerated, With acetic acid you have a 2 year shelf life without refrigeration ). Acetic acid can be use for storage, (Mix only the time of use). acetic acid damaging tissues even 0.6% better get diluted with 80% part Bacteriostatic Water proportion 20% part Acetic Acid. 10 ml glass vial/container. Effective dosage for most ranges from 1ml - 2ml for IGF & IGF LR3 only. |
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