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Reclaim |
Minoxidil 6%, finasterid 1%, acelaic acid |
You no longer have to worry about hair loss when performance-enhancing agents are used. Reclaim series is the first hair loss product that has been developed for athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs that increase the concentration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. With 15 active substances that block dht and promote hair growth, the Reclaim series is the most complete hair loss product on the market. It is recommended for everyone who uses performance-enhancing agents, it is also recommended to use Reclaim in combination with Reclaim Booster. It begins to block dht from the first day you use the product, noticeable results can be seen after 4-6 months. User instructions: Apply up to 1 ml Reclaim / S / Evo on the hair loss area with the supplied spray er, preferably in the evening. In combination with Reclaim booster or twice a day without booster. For best results, use both Reclaim / S / Evo and Reclaim Booster in the desired order. Wait until the first application is dry and then apply the second. Reclaim S is for those with more sensitive scalp and is pg free while Reclaim / evo contains pg and can only be used by people who can use pg in hair care products. |
Potency : Minoxidil 6mg/ml, finasterid 1mg/ml, acelaic acid Appearance : Alcohol/peg based solution. Packing : 100 ml, plastic spay bottle. Dosage : 0.5-2 ml divided 1 to 2 doses a day. |
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